

Microsuction is a procedure for the removal of ear wax. The clinician will look into your ear canal using magnifying lenses enabling any wax that is seen to be removed using a small suction pipe.  

It is different to syringing, which uses water that is forced into the ear under pressure to clear out wax.

Most patients find that the procedure is pain free and is well tolerated. Sometimes, removing stubborn wax can cause discomfort.  It is important to stay still during the procedure as there is a risk of damaging the ear drum.

All procedures have risks or potential side effects.

It is possible to experience tinnitus (ringing in the ears) afterwards. This is usually short lived. Some people may feel a little dizzy. Occasionally, if the ear canal gets scratched you could experience pain or infection. 

To prepare for the procedure you should use ear drops for at least a week prior to your appointment. It is important to do so, as this helps soften any wax and makes the procedure more comfortable. If the wax is not sufficiently softened it may not be possible to remove it.  


Last Reviewed 24/04/2024