Vitamin D Supplementation


The Government is providing four months free Vitamin D supplies to:

  • All care home residents
  • Those who are on the Clinicaly Extremely Vulnerable ['Shielding' List]


Supplies will be provided automatically to care home residents, and individuals on the Clinically Extreamley Vulnerable [CEV] which is the same cohort as those who were on the 'Shielding List', which is being maintained, will have recieved a letter inviting them to opt in for a supply to be delivered directly to their homes. The LMC has received a number of queries as this letter only provides an email link to confirm opt-in and no alternative phone or written address, although others can complete an opt-in on a patient's behalf. Public Health England's current advice is:

  • Everyone should take 10 micrograms [400IU] of Vitamin D daily between October and March to support bone and muscle health
  • Everyone can purchase an OTC supplement and start taking it, even if they will receive a free supply this January
  • There is currently insufficient evidence to conclude that Vitamin D potentially reduces the risks of coronavirus infection, but the reports suggesting a benefit are being reviewed.


Eligible patients have received the following advice, in summary:

  • The Vitamin D supplement provided is equivalent to 10 micrograms [400 IU] of Vitamin D daily
  • Patients should not take more than this, which is a safe dose, designed to supplement, but not to be a substitute for, a varied diet.
  • At this dose, there are no interations with current medication
  • A small number of people are currently being prescribed or recommended to take a higher dose of Vitamin D and should continue on this doese. These patients are not recommended to opt-in to the free supply of Vitamin D.
  • Under 18-year olds are not recommended to opt-in to the free supply


Clearly there are a small number of patients whose concurrent medical conditions mean they should not take a Vitamin D supplement and these patients may contact their GP practice about this process, especially once deliveries start to arrive in January.


For more information about why the Vitamin D supplements are important, please read the panflet below.

Vitamin D



Published: Jan 19, 2021