This is a section of our website dedicated to info that might be most useful to our teenage population.
Feel free to get in touch with us at sxicb-wsx.moatfield.surgery@nhs.net if there is any information you want to see here or anything you would see changed! Your feedback is important to us!

Teens - Can I see the GP or Nurses on my own?

Did you know that if you want to see a doctor or nurse you don't always have to have your parents with you, or even their permission to come here and be seen?

Attending an Appointment on my own


Our Pages for Teens and Young People...


Going away to uni this year?


Make sure your immunisations are up to date. Ideally, you should have any vaccinations you missed before you leave for university so that you build up protection before you get there. It is recommended that Students catch up on any missed immunisations as they will be mixing closely with new people who may be carrying bacteria such as Meningococcal unknowingly. 


Getting Medical Care at University

If you are going to be living away from home, you will need to register with a new GP near your university as soon as possible - don't wait until you're already sick!
Registering with another GP practice closer to your university means you can receive emergency care if you need it, and access health services local to you easily while you are away. This is especially important if you have ongoing health conditions such as asthma or epilepsy, particularly if you need regular medicine. 
When you register with a GP at university, you will no longer be registered at Moatfield Surgery, and will not be able to recieve medical care with us when you return from university. Any medication requests, referrals and long-term condition management should be directed to your registered practice at university. 



Useful Websites

Better Health Campaign


Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing

We have a new Teenagers Mental Health page, which contains information for teens in a mental health crisis, or struggling with their mental health. 
On this website you will also find ways to refer yourself to mental health services, resources to begin talking about your mental health and other resources to help you find the help that is right for you. 



Young People's Sexual Health Resources

LGBTQ+ Resources



Last Updated 18/09/2023